Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cuba is looking more peacfull these days.

As reported in KSL news today

It looks like changes to the little island are coming sooner than later. As reported Raul Castro who is the current president of Cuba, has recently talked about limiting government officials and political leaders to 2 five year terms. What does this mean for the Cubans. Well I feel its one step closer to having an equal share of powers to say the least. I would be amazed to see how it will trickle in the international community. What I mean is that can we Americans imagine all of our governmental affairs being reduced to a maximum 10 years. I don't (too much to lose).

Didn't someone say "change comes with a price"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chevron might have to pay $$$$ to Equador part 2

As reported by Larry Neumeister

looks like a NY judge has temporarily stopped Ecuador from seizing assets etc. from Chevron.
For those that don't know what happened last month there was an 18 billion dollar settlement in favor of the thousands of Ecuadorians affected by the contamination.

Chevron still claims that the 40 million allocated for the contamination should have avoided the third party claim.

I would have to say that if you buy a company and are profiting from this merge than you also should undoubtedly inherit problems from the decades of problems. OR maybe you should have had some type of protection before proceeding with the merge. I dont know I just like the fact that finally someone is on the other side of the spectrum is puckering quickly.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Collateral Damage

As reported in the Sydney Morning Herald a Chief of operations (Salah Shehada) who was responsible for many terror plots was assassinated 9 years ago along with dozens of civilians.

Israel initially stated success, and then retracted the statement as many civilian bodies started to surface, and among those mostly were woman, and children.

Over the weekend Jerusalem courts decided the case in wrongful deaths of a dozen civilians as deemed appropriate under the circumstances.

Well although I am glad that this terrorist was decommissioned I feel that for the most part technology should have had a better precision when dropping bombs from the sky. We see this all too much in history where its accepted as collateral damage. I would like to see at least some innovation in the near future.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chevron might have to pay $$$$ to Equador

As reported a judge has awarded some 8 Billion dollar settlement for an alleged contamination Chevron inherited after purchasing the Texaco giant in 2001. Anyways the way I look at as cited in this article that Chevron is constantly being sued for toxic waste sludge ("but never has had to pay") I know this is real news. I think that just because the world needs oil my view would be if you make the sludge you clean the sludge its no difference, and applies to all of our lives. I wouldnt mind paying a little extra at the pump if I knew for a fact they would use it for these particular situations. Just saying.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Haiti devastated by campaigns

As reported in KSL, the current president will extend his term for three more months. Other parties do not agree, and protesters as reported seem to be gaining publicity. In Port-Au-Prince the people have been fatigued with riots, and hunger. It seems to me that having stability in this region is not a good idea, but a priority. I would like to say that if Haiti wasn't predominately black, the abundance of assistance would be redistributed a little different. Just saying...
misfortune after misfortune, why would these people have hope for change?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Somali pirates get caught, killed, and possible life in prison.

Its really sad to see so many fall victim of these Somalian pirates. As reported many died, and many pirates are looking at a pretty hefty life sentence if convicted. I would be one to say "guilty by association for kidnapping" but guilty by association for attempted murder should only lie on the one that pulled the trigger. I am sorry but the two cannot be mixed very lightly. Again should they pay for what they decided to do yes, but life seems pretty drastic for something that was most likely not to have ended that way (just saying). I would also say that dumping the 9 dead bodies in the ocean is a little much. In my opinion everyone should have the right to a proper burial.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cleared killings on Gaza Strip
Last year a ship was halted, and bordered which contained expired medications, clothing, toys, and everything else. In the end 9 people were killed.(not died)

Wow there are so many problems with this. Not much of an opinion to really stir up arguments just policy after policy that gives great umbrellas to kill. Sad scenario with many years of dirty laws.